our mission
We Love Long Beach is a community building nonprofit, (501c3) that loves to connect neighbors of all ages together on their blocks and within their complexes to create a stronger feeling of belonging and greater shared well-being we call neighborliness.
Ways to Connect:
Initiative #1: Seasonal Citywide Parties that every resident is encouraged and equipped to host their neighbors on their block or complex.
* Citywide Breakfast
* Citywide Long Table Long Beach
* Citywide Ice Cream Social
Initiative #2: We have started igniting Neighborhood Groups within neighborhoods. Currently we have We Love LB Moms, Rad Dads, We Love LB Yarn Society, Young at Heart (60+ Group) & We Love LB Dogs 101 with Sit Happens. If you have group you would like to see in your neighborhood, let us know.
We are partnering with Sit Happens Dog Training to bring Dog 101 Training classes to neighborhoods throughout Long Beach. You must sign up to attend the class. All classes begin at 10:00am. If you would like us to come to your neighborhood next, email us and we will get a date on the calendar!
Next available class date: TBD (We have paused classes until 2024 out of precaution to avoid the contagious virus going around in pups.)
Classes are free to attend, however, donations are appreciated.
Citywide Breakfast – TBA
Long Table Long Beach – TBA
Citywide Ice Cream Social – TBA
8th Annual Long Beach Homebrew Fest Fundraiser – November 8th
Featured Products
All proceeds go to the ongoing community development work of We Love Long Beach. Thank you for supporting us!
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Sign up for our email list! We’ll let you know when neighborly things are happening.